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Theo nguồn tin của trang mạng thành phố Richmond:

Thursday, December 20, 2012

On Saturday, January 12, 2013, the City’s Department of Public Works is sponsoring the third annual “Bring One for the Chipper” Christmas tree recycling program.

The program began in 2010 in support of Mayor Dwight C. Jones’ sustainability initiatives. Recycling the trees keeps them out of landfills and allows them to be chipped and re-purposed into landscaping mulch.

“Bring One for the Chipper 2013” will take place in the paved lot at 1710 Robin Hood Road (northeast corner of Robin Hood Road and North Boulevard), from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on January 12.

Residents can either bring their trees to the event or drop them off in advance from December 27 through January 12 at the East Richmond Road Convenience Center, 3800 East Richmond Road, and the Richmond Southside Transfer Station, 3520 N. Hopkins Road. Trees also can be dropped off in the lot behind New Generations Credit Union at 1700 Robin Hood Road.

Residents are advised that trees left out with their supercan may not be picked up on regular trash collection days, as a separate truck is needed to collect them.

This year’s program will also include on-site paper shredding and electronics recycling. Residents can bring up to five boxes of paper for shredding. Electronics include items such as printers, computer monitors, radios, microwaves. Only flat-screen televisions will be accepted for recycling. Small household items and clothes also will be accepted.

For more information on City services and schedules, please visit

Posted by Office of the Press Secretary to the Mayor at 11:12 AM

By adminVR

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