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Wednesday, February 12, 2014
City Opens Emergency Shelters as Winter Storm Approaches

The City of Richmond has opened two emergency shelters to assist City residents in the event power outages occur as a result of the winter storm. Residents who reside in areas where power outages are frequent during storms are advised to seek shelter now before traveling conditions deteriorate. The City’s Emergency Shelter locations are:

Linwood Holton Elementary School
1600 West Laburnum Avenue

James Blackwell Elementary School
1600 Everett Street

Residents should bring any medication, personal items and supplies that they may need. The City will provide meals and snacks to shelter attendees. Residents may also charge their medical equipment batteries and cell phones at the City shelter in the event they lose power at home. Weapons are not allowed in the City shelters. Pets are not allowed within the City shelter with the exception of service animals. Richmond Animal Care and Control (RAC&C) will staff both City shelters to accept the pets of residents attending the shelter. RAC&C advises residents that pets should be brought indoors, and if they do need to be outside, they should have adequate shelter that protects them from exposure to winter weather. Residents should call (804) 646-5123 if they need RAC&C to pick-up their pet from their residence.

“With the potential of power outages and roads possibly being blocked because of heavy snow, I urge residents who believe they have a potential to lose power to travel to a City shelter now,” said Mayor Dwight C. Jones.

The City’s Cold Weather Overflow Shelter will open tonight, February 12 and Thursday, February 13 as overnight temperatures are forecasted to remain at or below 40 degrees during this time period. The overflow shelter is located in the City’s Public Safety Building, 501 North 9th Street. The shelter entrance is the second entrance on the 9th Street side of the building closest to Leigh Street. The shelter opens at 7 p.m. and closes the following morning at 6 a.m. Shelter registration will be held from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Food will not be provided and pets are not allowed.

The Cold Weather Day Warming site will open tomorrow, Thursday, February 13 as daytime temperatures are forecasted to remain at or below 40 degrees during this time period. The warming site is open each day from 6 a.m. until 6 p.m. Commonwealth Catholic Charities operates the day warming site at 511 West Grace Street.

Residents in need of overnight shelter are asked to report to Commonwealth Catholic Charities Homeless Point of Entry by 5 p.m. each day for a comprehensive intake and referral to the appropriate shelter. Commonwealth Catholic Charities Homeless Point of Entry is located at 511 West Grace Street. A referral to the Cold Weather Overflow Shelter will be provided to individuals who are not eligible for an existing shelter or if all available beds have been filled. Individuals seeking access to the Overflow Shelter must have a referral.

The City’s Department of Social Services will accept Crisis Assistance applications now through March 15 at 900 East Marshall Street, Monday through Friday; from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Residents can also call the Fuel Line at (804) 646-7046. The department also provides emergency assistance with gas and electric disconnection notices for residents who qualify.

Elderly or residents with disabilities may also contact Senior Connections for assistance at (804) 343-3000, Monday through Friday; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

For up-to-date information and additional instructions from the City of Richmond during this weather event, please visit, follow the City on Twitter @CityRichmondVA, and stay tuned to local radio and television stations.
Posted by Office of the Press Secretary to the Mayor at 5:22 PM

By adminVR

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