Wed. Feb 12th, 2025

In the case of managing set backs when trying to stick with a healthy eating and fitness plan, Experient Health offers these tips to keep the community on track.

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Richmond, Va. (PRWEB) June 14, 2014

When it comes to losing weight or sticking to a fitness plan, people often have setbacks.

And that's ok, Experient Health wrote in one of its latest Blog posts in its Live Well, Work Well series, launched last year to help educate the community on how to stay healthy even between doctor visits. Experient Health is the health insurance arm of the VIrginia Farm Bureau and offers health care consultants in every county in the Commonwealth and an online health insurance quote engine.

"What matters most during a setback is how quickly you gain control of the situation," Experient Health wrote. "In the case of managing set backs when trying to stick with a healthy eating and fitness plan, here are some tips to keep you on track."

Avoid a setback to begin with.

Been eating well for weeks and need a reward? Don’t look to food.

"Rewarding yourself with food is one of the quickest ways to fall into that downward spiral of old habits," Experient Health wrote "Reward yourself with a new running shirt or something pampering, like a massage or pedicure."

Understand how to get off a plateau.

"Many people get easily discouraged when they are stuck at a plateau in their weight loss," Experient Health wrote. "A plateau can occur after you have lost 10% of your weight and can last a couple of weeks. As you begin a new habit of diet and exercise, your body will eventually adapt, therefore it doesn’t have to exert as much energy and calories into doing it. When you reach these plateaus, readjust your calories and activities to get things moving again but most importantly, don’t give up!"

Manage expectations.

"There are stages we all go through when we desire a change in our lives," Experient Health wrote. "In terms of weight loss, it’s important to remember that you didn’t put the weight on overnight and you can’t take it off overnight. Give yourself time."

To read more healthy living tips and weight loss suggestions, visit the Experient Health Live Well, Work Well Blog.

By adminVR

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