Mon. Jan 13th, 2025

Theo nguồn tin tiếng Anh trên trang mạng của

Monday, July 14, 2014

The City will open two cooling stations today, July 14 to assist residents with the expected high temperatures. City cooling stations are opened when the temperature and/or heat index is expected to reach or exceed 95 degrees. City cooling stations will open from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. today and are located at:

● Southside Community Services Center, 4100 Hull Street Road
● Department of Social Services, 900 East Marshall Street

Bottled water will be available, but food will not be provided. Pets, with the exception of service animals, are not allowed.

For more information regarding cooling services, residents can contact the City’s Department of Social Services Fuel Assistance Office at (804) 646-7046. Elderly residents with cooling related issues can contact Adult Services at (804) 646-7367. In the event of a heat related emergency, please call 9-1-1.

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church has opened a cooling center at its 520 North Boulevard location. The church’s cooling center is open Tuesday through Friday, from noon to 4 p.m. during the summer when the temperature exceeds 95 degrees. For more information, call Malinda Collier at (804) 358-4771.

All residents should take measures to stay hydrated and avoid prolonged exposure to the heat during the day. Drink plenty of fluids (2-4 glasses of cool fluids each hour.) To replace salt and minerals lost from sweating, drink fruit juice or a sports beverage during exercise or when you have to work outside.

Avoid sunburn and wear light clothing. Sunburn limits your body’s ability to keep itself cool and causes loss of body fluids, so use sunscreen with a high SPF. Lighter-weight clothing that is loose fitting and light colored is more comfortable during extreme temperatures. Use a hat to keep the head cool.

Give your body a break as the high temperatures can be stressful on your body. Limit physical activity until your body adjusts to the heat.

If you are not able to make it to a City cooling station, you can stay cool and safe by remaining in an air-conditioned area. Take a cool shower or a bath. Consider a trip to the mall or a local library or visit a friend with air conditioning. Spending at least two hours per day in air conditioning significantly reduces the risk of heat-related illnesses. When temperatures reach the upper 90s or above, a fan may not prevent heat-related illness.

One of the most important precautions you should take is to schedule or reschedule activities and outdoor work to the coolest parts of the day. In the summer, sunlight exposure is greatest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Never leave children or pets in cars. Temperatures inside a car can reach more than 150 degrees quickly, resulting in heat stroke and death.

Posted by Office of the Press Secretary to the Mayor at 11:32 AM

By adminVR

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