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If you are looking for driving directions use this address:

1200 North Boulevard, Richmond, VA 23230

Frequently Asked Questions:

Where, exactly, is Shamrock The Block this year?

Shamrock The Block will take place on The Boulevard-on Leigh Street (by Movieland Theater) to Broad Street.

What are the times for Shamrock The Block?


How much does it cost?

It’s free to attend, though food and drink is not. There will be ATM’s on site and some vendors may accept credit cards.

Should I bring my kids?

Absolutely! We will have a special KIDS AREA with face-painting, bounces, games and more. Come early though, as some lines can get long.

What about dogs?

We love pets and you should bring them. Please make sure your pet is leashed and you have the appropriate “clean up after them” supplies.

Where can we park?

There are several lots surrounding the area. In addition, some of the meters are free on the weekends in the Boulevard area. We encourage you to walk from the Fan or the Museum Districts. More details coming soon.

What about those golden beverages?

There will be several brands of beer available. Make sure you bring your ID and a designated driver…Please Drink Responsibly. Also, outside alcohol and coolers are NOT allowed and will be confiscated.

What if it rains?

Then we will get wet! Unless it is unsafe, Shamrock The Block has always been a rain or shine event!

What about weapons? Really?

Leave them at home.

Still have questions?

email support here

Theo nguồn tin trên trang blog của Richmond City in Virginia

Thursday, March 12, 2015
Street Closures for St. Patrick’s Day Events

Street Closures for St. Patrick’s Day Events

March 12, 2015

The Richmond Police Department will be closing the following streets for Saturday’s two St. Patrick’s Day events. Parking in those areas is also prohibited.

Boulevard Event (Shamrock the Block)

* N. Boulevard between W. Moore and W. Broad streets
* W. Leigh St. between N. Boulevard and Altamont St.
* W. Clay St. between N. Boulevard and Altamont St.
* W. Marshall St. between N. Sheppard St. and N. Boulevard
* Myers St. between W. Broad St. and Leigh St

Street closures and parking restrictions run from 5 a.m. – 9 p.m.

The closed streets are marked in green on the attached maps.

We encourage citizens to come out and enjoy the festivities but ask all to be responsible and safe.

Posted by Office of the Press Secretary to the Mayor at 11:00 AM

By adminVR

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